As I grew through elementary school, then middle school, and now high school, I could feel my parents hold on my loosen each year. But instead of being happy with my newly acquired authority I am stressed with responsibility. With this revelation, I attained the fear of growing up.
I no longer wish to grow up fast and carelessly, but I want to be younger again. I have come to realize that the days I spent drawing coloring books and building box forts were some of my favorite times. It was a stress-free and innocent time. I am scared that growing up further will get more and more stressful. I wish I could just stop time and enjoy where I am at right now.
The only way to prevent this predicament is by making the most of my time. Although it can sometimes cause stress, I want to be spontaneous, try new things, and create memories. I hope that in my future I can overcome and handle my gained responsibilities. So far, it looks like it only gets harder to unwind.
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