Recently, my great uncle received bad news. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given 6 months to a year to live. I only knew him a little bit, but I was encouraged to go over and help him around the house. I had been going over once a week all summer to mow his lawn, but now I would go over to rake leaves and talk with him. He is unmarried with no kids, so he has no company other than me and his brother, my grandpa.
One day, He asked me if I played guitar and that's when I told him I had learned a little bit over the summer. He took me to his living room and on the coffee table was a Guild Starfire IV. One of Guild's only electric guitars, this semi-hallow body guitar is a very rare guitar. I was in awe of it's beauty when he asked me to take it. I was extremely grateful for such a nice guitar. I played a few songs for him and he even showed me a few things about the guitar scales. I recently bought an expensive tube amp to play this guitar on and I have so far played it every night since owning it.
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