

Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Night

       I cannot remember any specific Halloween, but rather little bits of from all of them. As I recall, I've gone trick-or-treating as Winnie the Pooh, a skeleton, a ninja, a soldier, and many other fun characters. The thing I do remember is the candy I got each year and how late I was able to stay out. I'd stay out until everyone else was gone and the dark began to flood the streets. The houses got darker and people answered their doors less frequently. Every year it was this time that I ran home and dumped my haul from the night onto the living room floor. I was so ecstatic and full of energy at the moment and eating my candy wasn't going to make a good time for my mom. I sorted all my candy by color, size, and brand. I counted it all, then counted it twice so I could report the next day to everyone who asked. Then I'd lay awake in bed thinking of my candy and what elaborate costume I'd wear next year.
       This year I created a music video in a costume inspired by Halloween for my class at Kendall. Pictured to the right is the full costume while holding my guitar. I am not planning on wearing it on Halloween, although it would be very scary.


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