

Friday, October 31, 2014

In the Gnarly 90's

       If I could go back in time to whenever I wanted, I would choose to start living in the 90's. I love 90's alternative rock and the whole music scene at the time. I would go meet River Coumo and other famous bands before they hit it big. I would also obviously buy stock in Apple and other successful businesses. I would then be able to see my family and move on to see what is in the future if I couldn't come back to the present. I would also try to prevent any conflicts that are about to happen by becoming the Bill Clinton and George Bush's best bud when I prevent 9/11 and provided a detailed timeline of the future.


       This program has been successful in raising awareness of bullying, but hasn't done much to stop or prevent it. The name of the program is a command that comes across to the people that see it. When I don't see the sign, I will tend to forget that it exist. There has to be a better foundation and meaning rooted in the phrase. It has to have an impact on people other than a command. This program needs to find ways to stop or prevent bullying, so when people think of "Be Nice!" they also think of the ways to prevent bullying as promoted by the program.

My Guilded Guitar

       At the start of the Summer, I picked up a new hobby of playing guitar. I started with a small white Squier guitar that I found in my sister's closet. I decided that I was going to pick up that guitar and learn basic cords with lessons online. I quickly picked it up and loved it. After playing for the whole summer, I decided to upgrade my amp and get something I could play a whole new variety of songs on. I picked up a Line 6 amp from one of my best friends for $60 and I couldn't be happier. I played it more and more often with my new amp, and looked forward to escaping to my room to play once more.
       Recently, my great uncle received  bad news. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given 6 months to a year to live. I only knew him a little bit, but I was encouraged to go over and help him around the house. I had been going over once a week all summer to mow his lawn, but now I would go over to rake leaves and talk with him. He is unmarried with no kids, so he has no company other than me and his brother, my grandpa. 
One day, He asked me if I played guitar and that's when I told him I had learned a little bit over the summer. He took me to his living room and on the coffee table was a Guild Starfire IV. One of Guild's only electric guitars, this semi-hallow body guitar is a very rare guitar. I was in awe of it's beauty when he asked me to take it. I was extremely grateful for such a nice guitar. I played a few songs for him and he even showed me a few things about the guitar scales. I recently bought an expensive tube amp to play this guitar on and I have so far played it every night since owning it.

Halloween Night

       I cannot remember any specific Halloween, but rather little bits of from all of them. As I recall, I've gone trick-or-treating as Winnie the Pooh, a skeleton, a ninja, a soldier, and many other fun characters. The thing I do remember is the candy I got each year and how late I was able to stay out. I'd stay out until everyone else was gone and the dark began to flood the streets. The houses got darker and people answered their doors less frequently. Every year it was this time that I ran home and dumped my haul from the night onto the living room floor. I was so ecstatic and full of energy at the moment and eating my candy wasn't going to make a good time for my mom. I sorted all my candy by color, size, and brand. I counted it all, then counted it twice so I could report the next day to everyone who asked. Then I'd lay awake in bed thinking of my candy and what elaborate costume I'd wear next year.
       This year I created a music video in a costume inspired by Halloween for my class at Kendall. Pictured to the right is the full costume while holding my guitar. I am not planning on wearing it on Halloween, although it would be very scary.

The Blood-Thirsty Skeeters

       If there is one thing on this planet I could erase forever, it would be mosquitoes. They bring no good news for anyone or anything. The only thing they are capable of is being annoying. They have the ability to ruin any camping trip or summer night. Their ominous buzz rings through your ears as they attempt to burrow their proboscis in any uncovered skin so they can steal your blood against your will. They are an unbeatable force of blood thieves that leave your skin bumpy, red, and itchy. Then for days after your encounter, there is an itchy, irritating, relentless rash on your wound that cannot be extinguished. The best part about winter is the fact that all of these skeeters die in a cold, shallow grave of snow.

"Onward East High, Onward East High, On to Victory..."

       At East Grand Rapids, everyone rejoices when it come time for homecoming. It is a time of celebration. A celebration of our class, a celebration of the class before us, a celebration of all the years that East has been around. We are all excited to show our pride by dressing out of the ordinary, cheering a little bit louder at football games, and bonding a little bit more than we normally would with everyone in our school. I look forward to meeting new people, and everyone else stepping out of their comfort zones. The amount of fun that everyone has on this week is a good gauge for the spirit of the rest of the year.

In the Eyes of a Beholder...

       Beauty is something that everyone strives for. Everyone wants to be beautiful and everyone wants to have something beautiful. Alas, nothing is truly beautiful to everyone. There will always be someone that prefers the looks over personality, or one hair style over another. The definition of beauty differs from person to person. For me, I think beauty can be a gift and a curse. Some types of beauty can attract the wrong kind of person and sometimes even stop the person that ignores looks and realizes true beauty that comes from who you are. It is hard to find beauty because most times it is masked behind layers of make-up and self-consciousness. Nature is so beautiful to everyone because it isn't masked by anything. It is beautiful because of it's breath-taking sights, free spirit, and the feeling it gives to all those that gaze upon it. Everyone is beautiful to someone.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Inescapable Fear

       From a young age, I have always wanted nothing more than to grow up fast. I couldn't wait to get tall or start school or to get my driver's license and a car. Most of all, I wanted freedom. An Unconditional will to do as I please. It was something I've longed for since I was a toddler.
       As I grew through elementary school, then middle school, and now high school, I could feel my parents hold on my loosen each year. But instead of being happy with my newly acquired authority I am stressed with responsibility. With this revelation, I attained the fear of growing up.
       I no longer wish to grow up fast and carelessly, but I want to be younger again. I have come to realize that the days I spent drawing coloring books and building box forts were some of my favorite times. It was a stress-free and innocent time. I am scared that growing up further will get more and more stressful. I wish I could just stop time and enjoy where I am at right now. 
       The only way to prevent this predicament is by making the most of my time. Although it can sometimes cause stress, I want to be spontaneous, try new things, and create memories. I hope that in my future I can overcome and handle my gained responsibilities. So far, it looks like it only gets harder to unwind. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

My Passions

       Hello! As my first entry, I shall talk a little bit about myself and some interests of mine. As of right now I am 17 years old and will be 18 by March. I have two stepbrothers, two stepsisters, and one biological sister. My step brothers are both one year in age difference from me, Nick is one year older and Jacob is one year younger. My two stepsisters are both a one year age difference from my sister also. We have all grown up with each other since before pre-school as best friends.
       I am currently enrolled at East Grand Rapids High School and Kendall College of Art and Design. At Kendall I am pursuing a degree in industrial design and furniture design which are my true passions. I love designing and manufacturing contemporary furniture because of the fun dynamics and engineering that is involved. I hope someday I could work for a company such as Haworth, Steelcase, or even my own free-lance business. I have plans on either attending Kendall or Savannah College of Art and Design in the near future.